Saturday, December 27, 2014

Japanese viewing log

27/12/14 Hal on KissAnime 9/10, 1 hour

I really like the Futatsu no Spica manga and anime

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Baby Steps

As well as Manga, I feel that Anime may be an even better tool that I could use to learn Japanese. I stumbled on Baby Steps today. It seems ideal for a number of reasons. 

Baby Steps has good reviews. It is freely available. (e.g. Mangapanda).The spoken language is clear and 'everyday', the characters are interesting and not over-the-top. I can relate to the slightly nerdy academic main character and his eventual infatuation with tennis. I can read the original manga (in English) alongside. Plus, I'm sure that I can buy it (in Japanese) from the local Book.Off

What more could I want?

Below: the first episode that someone uploaded onto Youtube

Monday, December 22, 2014

Jin is my new favorite

Jin is a word that means 'person'. 

It is also the name of a manga that you can read in English. I have the first 20 volumes of the series that I bought for just $10.